Why buy a good old horse when you can buy a good young one?!

Garnet Stud

Welcome to Garnet Stud’s Webpage









  Garnet Stud is located at Iredale, South East Queensland, Australia.


The Connemara Pony is the only breed native to Ireland. Originally, they are from the harsh Western coast of Galway county. This windswept area is known as "the Connemara". To survive such a harsh environment, the


Connemara Pony had to be hardy, a "good doer", sure footed pony. As families in the Connemara were poor and could usually only afford one pony, they had to be a good all rounder, working under harness all week and then hunting on the Saturday! This breeding has led to a pony that is intelligent, with a good temperament, hardy, sound, friendly and with a phenomenal jumping ability.


Garnet Stud strives to breed these characteristics into the purebred stock and to breed a versatile sport horse (Partbred Connemara) to suit those looking for a horse suitable for eventing, showjumping, pony club, trail riding... or any other pursuit!
We strive to produce a sound equine partner with a good temperament suitable for pleasure or performance.







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